
Nearly 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in New Jersey come from the transportation sector.

Light-duty vehicles, like the standard family car, are the dominant source of emissions. However, mid-and heavy-duty vehicles drive at low speeds, all day spewing toxic air pollution into our communities and atmosphere. #ElectrifyNJ is a subset of Jersey Renews partners focusing on climate mitigation through electrification of public transportation.

Electrification alone isn’t enough.

A just transition to renewable energy requires that we uphold worker and civil rights. This means that everyone should have the right and access to free (or at least affordable) public transportation run on clean, renewable energy regardless of age, race, or class. It also includes supporting the rights of workers to organize in the sectors that will build, operate and maintain public transportation infrastructure, as well as provide the services.

Press & Events

308, 2018

Trump Administration Pushing for Clean Car Rollbacks, Stunting State’s Ability to Enforce Stricter Regulations

August 3rd, 2018|Comments Off on Trump Administration Pushing for Clean Car Rollbacks, Stunting State’s Ability to Enforce Stricter Regulations

This week, the Trump administration has begun efforts to rollback Clean Car Standards and reduce the agency of states to create their own, more intensive regulations for vehicle emissions like the California Clean Cars Program, [...]

2405, 2018

Event Recap: Electric Vehicle Blessing

May 24th, 2018|Comments Off on Event Recap: Electric Vehicle Blessing

On Monday, May 21, more than 20 Newark clergy and more than 50 other community members gathered at Mount Olivet Baptist Church to bless electric vehicles and for a symposium about the public health [...]

2205, 2018

ADVOCACY ALERT: 3 Bills to Reduce Emissions with Electric Vehicles

May 22nd, 2018|Comments Off on ADVOCACY ALERT: 3 Bills to Reduce Emissions with Electric Vehicles

Jersey Renews has three top goals: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing clean energy infrastructure, and ensuring good, family-sustaining jobs. In New Jersey, nearly 50% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector. [...]

703, 2018

Murphy is in driver’s seat to make N.J. electric-car friendly | Opinion

March 7th, 2018|Comments Off on Murphy is in driver’s seat to make N.J. electric-car friendly | Opinion

"New Jersey is the most densely populated state and one of the largest automobile markets in the country. Known for its population density and highways, New Jersey has a large number of commuters with lots [...]

702, 2018

Event Recap: Jersey City is Hopping on the Transit Electrification Train

February 7th, 2018|Comments Off on Event Recap: Jersey City is Hopping on the Transit Electrification Train

On Tuesday, February 6, Jersey Renews partnered with the Amalgamated Transit Union, New Jersey Working Families Alliance and other allies to host a rally in Jersey City on electrification of transit as part of [...]

702, 2018

On Transit Equity Day, Jersey City issues request for proposals to go electric

February 7th, 2018|Comments Off on On Transit Equity Day, Jersey City issues request for proposals to go electric

In the near future, Jersey City residents that ditch their traditional carbon-emitting vehicle engines in favor of electric vehicles may have the option to charge their batteries right within their own neighborhoods in light of [...]

Opinion Editorials


New Jersey Work Environment Council fights climate change in New Jersey by joining Jersey Renews' ElectrifyNJ

An alliance of 70 labor, community, & environmental organization working together for safe, secure jobs and a healthy, sustainable environment. WEC links workers, communities, and environmentalists through training, technical assistance, grassroots organizing, and public policy campaigns to promote dialogue, collaboration, and joint action.

Environment New Jersey fights climate change in New Jersey by joining Jersey Renews' ElectrifyNJ

Environment New Jersey is a citizen-based environmental advocacy project of Environment America. Environment New Jersey protects the places we love, advancing the environmental values we share, and winning real results for our environment.

Together with thousands of supporters from all walks of life, we take the kind of action that wins tangible results for our environment.

Tri-State Transportation Campaign fights climate change in New Jersey by joining Jersey Renews' ElectrifyNJ

Tri-State Transportation Campaign fights for an equitable, safe, multi-modal transportation network that provides options and supports the economies of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Tri-State Transportation Campaign has four main priorities: fixing our commutes, meeting our climate goals, stopping traffic deaths, and making transportation fair.

Clean Water Action New Jersey fights climate change in New Jersey by joining Jersey Renews' ElectrifyNJ

Since our founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking and people power to the table. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.