Via ReThink Energy: Offshore Wind: A Win for New Jersey
On Wednesday, August 16, Jersey Renews held the first in a series of events promoting policies that will push New Jersey towards a just transition to more clean, renewable energy. This event tackled offshore wind power with an expert panel and community press conference and was held at Atlantic City Utilities Authority (ACUA). The panel of experts, speaking from the control room of the ACUA, discussed job opportunities, energy output, and environmental concerns related to the construction and maintenance of offshore wind turbines. The press event, held under the shadow of an impressive turbine a few hundred yards away, was replete with community advocates who argued passionately for the state to move forward with offshore wind power and renewable energy that will save our communities.
Media Coverage
Offshore Wind Proponents Voice Support in Atlantic City
Press of Atlantic City, August 17, 2017
Experts Discuss Offshore Wind, State’s Energy Future
SNJ Today, August 16, 2017
Offshore Wind True Believers Remain Optimistic About New Jersey
NJ Spotlight, August 17, 2017
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Presentations from the Event

Offshore Wind & Wildlife (PDF)
Curtis Fisher
Regional Executive Director, Conservation Programs
National Wildlife Federation, Northeast Regional Center

Making NJ A Clean Energy Leader (PDF)
Liz Burdock
Executive Director
Business Network for Offshore Wind
Information from our Partners
NJ Policy Paper (PDF)
Liz Burdock
Executive Director
Business Network for Offshore Wind

Ocean Wind
Beth Treseder
Senior Regulatory Advisor
DONG Energy